Saturday, June 4, 2016

FileCenter Professional 9 full download

FileCenter Professional 9

FileCenter Professional 9 helps you scan, organize, find, and edit computer files ... fast and easy. Whether for use in the home or office, FileCenter makes scanning more efficient and file organization more intuitive.

Discover the PDF Scanning and File Organization Software Users Rave About
We have one goal: to make time-sapping tasks like PDF scanning, PDF editing, and file organization as fast, efficient, and pain-free as possible.

PDF Scanning
The biggest speed bump to the paperless office has always been document scanning ... until now. Use FileCenter to move paper to fully searchable PDF in just a mouse click. Move documents, letters, receipts, and business cards to your PC as fast as your scanner can pull them through. To speed up document scanning even further, FileCenter can automatically split apart documents and even save them to the right client folder for you. You've never had a more reliable filing assistant. All of the tedious tasks, like OCR and indexing to make your scans searchable, happen automatically behind the scenes. Do you need to pull a paper document into Word for editing? Email a paper document? Or maybe just add more pages to an existing scan? Not a problem ... any more.

FileCenter Professional 9 New Features & Enhancements:

    Fully Compatible with Windows 10 - Fully tested and optimized for Windows 10. Runs equally well on either 32-bit or 64-bit editions of Windows 10.
    Use Barcode Text in Naming Options - When you set up a naming option, there's a new field: Barcode Text. Indicate the page where the barcode is found and, if there's more than one barcode on the page, the barcode position.
    Use OCR Text in Naming Options - You can now use OCR text from the document as part of the filename. This is a new Naming Option field called Zone OCR. To set it up, select Zone OCR, click Open then Load Document, browse out to a sample scan, and draw a rectangle around the region that will contain the OCR text.
    Faster OCR - You can now OCR two pages simultaneously.
    Folder Status Indicators - FileCenter can now show a small icon indicating if a folder has any files in it or if it's empty.
    Paste an Image to File - If you've got an image in the clipboard (for example, you've just done some web clipping or a screen capture), you can paste the image into the Files window. FileCenter will ask you for a file name and what format you want it in (PDF, JPEG, etc.). FileCenter will then turn it into a file.
    Drag/Drop Outlook Messages - When you drop Outlook messages into FileCenter, you now get options, like making the file's date/time match the email's date/time, stripping out attachments, etc. It's almost all of the power you get with the Outlook Add-in without having to use the Outlook Add-in.
    Add Bookmarks When Scanning - If you scan in Manage view, you'll see a new option on the Scan dialog: Bookmark. This lets you add a bookmark to the PDF. The idea is that if you're appending documents to each other, you may want bookmarks indicating where each document starts.
    Add Bookmarks When Combining PDFs - When you combine PDFs, you now have an option to bookmark where each document begins. The bookmarks will use the file names of the original documents (minus the extension).
    File Timestamp Changer - You can change the Windows Date Created and Date Modified values for a file. This might be nice if you're scanning and you want the file's date to match the document date.

Our links are FULL tested , safe & secure and guarantee best download speed.


Free Youth Digital Mod & Server Design 1 download

Youth Digital Mod & Server Design 1 

Kids Learn JAVA While Creating Their Own Customized Minecraft Server Kids ages 8-14 can learn professional Java programming as they design and build their own customized Minecraft server and share with friends. Traditionally, creating your own Minecraft server has been complicated and requires hosted solutions for your server.

    Kids, ages 8-14, learn Java programming by making their own Mods for Minecraft
    Includes 30+ hours of online & interactive videos
    Includes quizzes, badges, challenges, contests and bonus material
    Includes 1 year access to online course and teacher support
    Winner of the 2014 Top Homeschooling Curriculum & 2015 Parents' Choice Gold Awards!

Youth Digital's mission is to teach kids real software coding and design skills by creating awesome projects with cutting-edge technology.

In our most popular online course, kids will learn the fundamentals of Java programming by creating their own Minecraft Mod for the PC / Mac version of Minecraft. For every item, block or creature they want to add, kids will first design and then code their object in Java. At the end of the course, they will have their own completed Minecraft Mod that they created from scratch.

Mod Design 1 for Minecraft is a unique opportunity for young students to learn Java in an exciting way. They will not only come away with an impressive project to share with their friends, but also with a foundational knowledge of object-oriented programming.

Our links are FULL tested , safe & secure and guarantee best download speed.


Free Rosetta Stone Tell Me More v10.5 download

Rosetta Stone Tell Me More v10.5 

THIS pack contain ALL Rosetta Stone Tell Me More collection for :


Developed by a team of language experts, Tell Me More leverages the renowned Communicative Approach, a methodology used in schools and universities around the world. The clean lines, uncluttered screens, simple icons, tight color scheme and overall usability make your language learning fun and easy. Tell me more allows the learner to visualize progress throughout the entire program. 10 Distinct levels of English learning contain 10 distinct levels of content, from Beginner to Advanced. These 10 levels contain 20 hours of interactive video and 20,000 exercises that keep your learning fresh and engaging!


    Language-learning software with 40+ different activities and exclusive services to get you speaking in minutes
    Engaging videos will immerse you in everyday situations and real-life scenarios
    Practice vocabulary with interactive dialogues and film dubbing activities
    Covers all the necessary skill sets: reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, vocabulary, and culture
    Advanced speech-recognition technology for improved pronunciation

Our links are FULL tested , safe & secure and guarantee best download speed.

DOWNLOAD LINK: More.v10.5.rar

Learn Mandarin Fluenz FULL download

Learn Mandarin Fluenz Mandarin 1+2+3 for Mac, PC, iPhone, iPad & Android Phones, Version 3 

Fluenz Follow the full program on your iPhone, online from your computer, or install it in your hard disk from the DVDs included in the red box. Additional audio CDs allow you to practice in your car, additional comprehension MP3s and access to our digital Flashcards make for the possible learning experience.


    We will coach you every step of the way to fluency. Amazing tutors in hundreds of videos, helpful explanations, and the most immersive platform to practice your speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
    Follow the full program on your iPhone, online from your computer, or install it in your hard disk from the DVDs included in the red box.
    Fluenz blends a video tutor with a range of engaging, interactive workouts to improve your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in a unique approach that is currently being used by the US Navy, and more.
    Two audio CDs for additional training, downloadable podcasts, & the handy Fluenz Navigator for on-the-go referencing of important words & phrases.

Our links are FULL tested , safe & secure and guarantee best download speed.


Download Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional 13.0

Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional 13.0

Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 Professional enterprise-ready speech recognition software lets busy professionals get more done on their computer-quickly and accurately-using their voice. Dragon turns spoken words into text and executes voice commands up to three times faster than typing to drive new levels of productivity and cost savings.


    Enterprise-ready: configuration options and administrative tools make it easy to manage voice profiles, custom vocabularies and commands, feature access and multiple installations over a network
    Accessibility for all employees. Helps you meet your requirements for workers with disabilities. Prevent fatigue and repetitive stress injuries by offering a comfortable, ergonomic alternative to the keyboard and mouse.
    Dragon delivers up to 99% speech recognition accuracy right out of the box, providing a personalized voice-driven experience, learning words and phrases you use the most and delivering accurate results the more you use it.
    Edit/format documents and command/control your computer - all by voice. Dictate on the go, then transcribe your recordings by using a Nuance- approved digital voice recorder for advanced recording functionality!
    Import/export custom word lists- share unique words among peers. Create custom voice commands for inserting frequently used text and graphics. And then proofread by using the natural-sounding text-to-speech audio playback feature!

Our links are FULL tested , safe & secure and guarantee best download speed.